The Treasury Associate Program begins with comprehensive training delivered by both Treasury and Balance Sheet Management (TBSM) subject-matter experts and external presenters to provide Associates with a solid foundation of key TBSM risk concepts and practices. Training is followed by four 6-month rotations in the potential following areas:
· Market Risk Measurement & Analytics: Measure, manage and hedge the interest rate, foreign exchange and equity risk associated with non-trading products on TD’s trillion dollar balance sheet.
· Funds Transfer Pricing: Ensure that all non-trading products and businesses are measured on a fully hedged and liquidity premium adjusted basis to accurately reflect the economic profit
· Investment Portfolio Management: Execution of hedging and investment portfolio management in support of the Bank’s asset and liability management strategies.
· Enterprise Capital Management: Establish a management framework for the efficient and prudent management of TD’s capital position while optimizing shareholder’s return on capital
· Wholesale Funding: execute and manage term funding transactions and programs for TD Bank, including senior unsecured debt, covered bond and secured funding through ABS and MBS channels
· Liquidity Risk Management: measure and manage changes in TD Bank’s cash flows, collateral pledging requirements and funding needs to ensure adequate liquidity level while minimizing funding costs
Please join us for a virtual information session on the date below to learn more about this full time opportunity targeted to those with a Graduate level degree with all requirements completed by the start date in June 2022. You will have the opportunity to meet the Early Talent Recruiter, Program Manager as well as employees within Treasury at TD Bank. Please submit this survey to register for a spot!
Registration link will be shared via the MFE portal.