Learn About Scotiabank Equity Research
If you are a recent MBA/ Masters of Finance graduate or soon to be one ( Graduated between 2019 and 2021) with a minimum of 1-year work experience (this can include internships) and you want to learn more about Equity Research at Scotiabank – what’s new in the field, careers, and insights with professionals including CPAs in ER, join our virtual information and networking session.
Date: October 20, 2021
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Virtual (MS Teams)
Those who register and qualify will be sent a link to attend the virtual session. You must RSVP before the 18th of October We’re looking forward to meeting you! Submit your resume via the below link: Equity Research Job Posting: https://career17.sapsf.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareerpvt?jobId=125723&company=scotiabank&st=49894F969B489478FCC5BA299BA9AAF43D045265